Monday, December 10, 2012

Is China stealing American jobs?

Due to the fact that China labor costs are cheaper, American jobs have been outsourced to China. The video below shows how specific states have been affected by the outsource.  Below are some interesting facts that have been taking from the video.

China has stolen 2.87% of California's jobs
An average American factory workers wage is $34.00, while in China it is $2.00

*information coming from video


  1. I believe the problem is not just that our jobs are being out sourced to China. The bigger issue for me is the fact that labor is so cheap over there. It is simply unfair that the workers are payed so much less than what an American worker would get. So not only are Americans losing jobs, but the Chinese are being robbed of their hard earned wages.

  2. This is a big issue but the companies that utilize the Chinese for lower wages also have to pay higher tariffs so it basically equals american pay. They are just depriving the american population of jobs that they badly need. Its not that China isnt stealing the jobs its that the companies over here that are giving them away.
